Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy at To help us connect you with someone special, you provide us some of your information and we handle that information well. Your trust in us is appreciated. Because you show trust towards, it’s our duty to keep your trust by sharing with you what information do we collect from you, why do we do it and how do we use it.

Information That We Collect

To help you find the perfect match, we need to take some information of yours that includes basic profile details, social media accounts and more. The information we collect includes the following:

  1. While setting up your account, you give us your login credentials and basic detail such as gender, age etc.
  2. After completing your profile, you can choose to share more information with us. This can be about your lifestyle, hobbies and personality. Apart from this, you can share pictures and videos too. At the time of upload, you give us access to the phone media. Some of this information may be considered ‘Sensitive’ in certain jurisdictions. Some examples of such information are sexual orientation, racial origin and religious beliefs. If you choose to provide such information to us, you allow us to process this information.
  3. As a part of the operation of our services, we also process the chats you have with other users and the content that you publish.
  4. Apart from the information you provide us, we also receive information from other users, social media and other partners.
  5. We collect your usage information such as, time of logging in, features used frequently by you, ads you click on and more. We also process the way you interact with other users that includes, but is not limited to, the users you connect with, time of sharing messages, number of messages etc.
  6. We collect information about the device you use to use our website. This includes browser type, software and hardware information, version and language, OS, time zone and more.
  7. Some information we take if you allow us the permission to. One such information is your precise geolocation. We can use GPS, Bluetooth or Wi-fi to know your location and even when you aren’t using the services, the collection of your geolocation may still occur in the background. The same way we collect your photos and videos when you publish them, if you allow us to.
How Do We Use This Information?

The primary reason of using your information is to deliver better services to you. We also use it to show ads to you that may like seeing. We use this information to:

  1. Manage your account, provide you the support and communicate with you.
  2. Recommend and help you connect with right users by analyzing your profile, preferences.
  3. Provide a good experience to you even if you use our services from different devices.
  4. Offer new features to you
  5. Improve our services and develop our services
  6. Show you the ads that you might be interested in.
  7. Prevent you from frauds or unauthorized activities.
  8. Comply with legal requirements and exercise our rights.
Sharing of Information

We share your information with

  1. Other users: This goes without saying that giving you information to other users is necessary to help you find a suitable match. With you consent, we share your content with them, so make sure you permit us to share only that stuff that you are comfortable sharing with others.
  2. Service providers: We share the information to the third parties to show the right ads for you. Also, we share it with the partners who help us in advertising our own services. All these providers and partners agree to confidentiality.
  3. Corporate house: If we get involved in a merger, an acquisition, dissolution, Restructuring or any other change of the same nature, we may transfer your information.
  4. Law: To help the law prevent/detect a crime, to comply with a legal process or to protect the safety of a person, we may disclose your information.
  5. Others: We may share your personal or non-personal information with third parties. However, we will ask for your consent before doing so and also state the reason of the sharing.
Your Rights

We have provided you with some tools to let you have control of your information. Here they are:

  1. We ask for permission before taking information such as media and geolocation. You can always change those to take the access away from us.
  2. You can always access, change or delete the info you provide us.
  3. You can also delete the account.
  4. You also have the right to review the information and also ask for a copy of your personal information.
  5. For any reason such as inaccuracy, if you wish to update or delete the information we hold of yours, you can contact us and request us to rectify or delete it. (We may of course ask you to confirm your identity before taking any step for the safety of your users)
Protection of the Information

We always try to keep the information you provide us protected from any alteration, disclosure or destruction. We always keep our security measures updated and monitor the systems for any potential attack or vulnerability. However, just like all other tech companies, we take your security seriously and take all the necessary steps to keep it safe, but do not promise that your information shall always be secure. Therefore, you should not expect the same.

Children’s Privacy

Being a dating website, we do not allow any user under the age of 18, use our services. The services we provide are limited to the people above the age of 18. If you ever suspect that a user is below 18, use our reporting feature.

Changes in Privacy Policy

Change is inevitable. We may have to change our policy every now and then to improve our services and provide a great experience to our users. Before making major material changes, we do inform the users so that they have some time to review the upcoming change.